Newsademic nr 300 - British English edition (with activities)

Newsademic is an easy-to-understand international newspaper, written and edited in a style that assists English Language teaching and learning. Newsademic is a fortnightly publication (20 articles) and associated website. Both British and American English versions of the newspaper are available. The easy-to-read newspaper features the top world news stories that have made headlines during the previous two weeks.

14th April, 2017 - 27th April, 2017


'Revolution' in France

Day of the penguins

Dark matter image

'Big Bang' anniversary

Plastic-eating caterpillars

The Scream's clouds

New Arctic military base

Giant shipworm

Turkey's referendum

Palladio mystery solved

Indian stamp record

Dragons' blood cure

Earth Day science march

Salamander disease

River piracy

Comet message?

Python hunters

China's new carrier

Coinless Korea

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