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Unclutter Your Life in One Week by Erin Rooney Doland

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Unclutter Your Life in One Week
Book by Erin Rooney Doland

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Organization expert and founder of Unclutterer.com Erin Rooney Doland shows you how to declutter and simplify your surroundings, and create the stress-free life you deserve—in just one week.Simplicity is revolutionary! ... Google Books
Originally publishedNovember 3, 2009
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How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big by Scott Adams

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How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big
Book by Scott Adams

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Blasting clichéd career advice, the contrarian pundit and creator of Dilbert recounts the humorous ups and downs of his career, revealing the outsized role of luck in our lives and how best to play the system. 

Scott Adams has likely failed at more things than anyone you’ve ever met or anyone you’ve even heard of. So how did he go from hapless office worker and serial failure to the creator of Dilbert, one of the world’s most famous syndicated comic strips, in just a few years? In How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big, Adams shares the game plan he’s followed since he was a teen: invite failure in, embrace it, then pick its pocket.

No career guide can offer advice that works for everyone. As Adams explains, your best bet is to study the ways of others who made it big and try to glean some tricks and strategies that make sense for you. Adams pulls back the covers on his own unusual life and shares how he turned one failure after another—including his corporate career, his inventions, his investments, and his two restaurants—into something good and lasting. There’s a lot to learn from his personal story, and a lot of entertainment along the way. Adams discovered some unlikely truths that helped to propel him forward. For instance:

• Goals are for losers. Systems are for winners.
• “Passion” is bull. What you need is personal energy.
• A combination of mediocre skills can make you surprisingly valuable.
• You can manage your odds in a way that makes you look lucky to others.

Adams hopes you can laugh at his failures while discovering some unique and helpful ideas on your own path to personal victory. As he writes: “This is a story of one person’s unlikely success within the context of scores of embarrassing failures. Was my eventual success primarily a result of talent, luck, hard work, or an accidental just-right balance of each? All I know for sure is that I pursued a conscious strategy of managing my opportunities in a way that would make it easier for luck to find me.”
Original languageEnglish
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The fine art of small talk Book by Debra Fine

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The fine art of small talk
Book by Debra Fine

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Self-help comes across as composed and self-assured when talking to people or entertaining clients. Feel more at ease at functions and engage anyone in conversation with poise and confidence. Google Books
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Becoming the Iceman by Justin Rosales and Wim Hof

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Becoming the Iceman
Book by Justin Rosales and Wim Hof

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Becoming the Iceman is a project inspired by Wim and Justin to show the world that anyone can adopt the ability to become an Iceman or Icewoman. The project's goal is to show that the ability to control the body's temperature is not a genetic defect in Wim, but an ability that can be adopted by everyone. For many generations, we have been taught to fear the cold: "Don't forget your jacket! You don't want hypothermia, do you?""Put your gloves on before you get frostbite!"Of course, these are consequences of extreme cold exposure, but with the proper understanding, anyone can learn to use the cold as a natural teacher.You may have seen Wim Hof on television running barefoot through the snow or swimming in ice-cold waters. While performing those incredible feats, Wim remained completely warm and comfortable the entire time! Wim is the epitome of what can happen if someone uses the cold to train the body. Like any new tool, you must understand how it works before you can use it efficiently. This pertains to the cold as well. You may be wondering, "How can you prove that anyone can learn this ability?Well, as of Fall 2009, Justin Rosales had no experience with the cold whatsoever. He was a college student attending Penn State University. After Justin's friend, Jarrett, showed him one of Wim's videos on You-Tube, he became exceedingly interested in understanding this ability. He wanted to see if it was possible for anyone to learn. In Spring 2010, after speaking to Wim for several months via email, Wim invited Justin to attend his workshop in Poland. After many weeks of working as a dishwasher, Justin was able to pay for the trip and learn the technique of the Iceman.With more training and countless experiences with the cold, Justin began to slowly adapt. The length of time he could remain exposed increased dramatically. He quickly realized that the technique to withstand the cold was, indeed, an ability that could be learned by everyone. This book tells the tale of Wim and Justin's journey to Becoming the Iceman!... Google Books
Originally publishedNovember 2011
GenreSelf-help book
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People Smart: Developing Your Interpersonal Intelligence

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Inteligencia interpersonal/ People Smart
Book by Freda Hansburg and Mel Silberman

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Everyone is in the people business, because all of us deal with other people all the time. Thats why its smart to reap the benefits of this eminently practical guide. ""PeopleSmart"" details the eight essential skills of interpersonal intelligence and provides a powerful plan for becoming more effective in every relationship -- with supervisors, coworkers, a spouse, family and friends.

The authors present a realistic four-step plan for self-improvement. Theyll teach you to see the current depth of each skill in yourself, encourage you to develop it, provide clear suggestions for how to put it into action, and inspire you to live it every day. Nothing short of an interpersonal fitness plan complete with creative exercises, examples, and tools -- ""PeopleSmart"" will empower you to become the kind of person who can establish solid relationships, connect with others, and effectively link the their needs with what you have to offer.

""As e-commerce 'commoditizes the world, PeopleSmart is the preeminent intelligence. Seldom do you see scholars become this practical! Theoretically sound. Well researched. Very reader friendly!""

-- Stephen Covey, author of ""The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People"" Google Books
GenreSelf-help book

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The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey

Image result for the 7 habits of highly effective people powerful lessons in personal change

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Book by Stephen Covey

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The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, first published in 1989, is a business and self-help book written by Stephen Covey.[1] Covey presents an approach to being effective in attaining goals by aligning oneself to what he calls "true north" principles based on a character ethic that he presents as universal and timeless.

Covey defines effectiveness as the balance of obtaining desirable results with caring for that which produces those results. He illustrates this by referring to the fable of the goose that laid the golden eggs. He further claims that effectiveness can be expressed in terms of the P/PC ratio, where P refers to getting desired results and PC is caring for that which produces the results.

Covey's best-known book, it has sold more than 25 million copies worldwide since its first publication. The audio version became the first non-fiction audio-book in U.S. publishing history to sell more than one million copies.[2] Covey argues against what he calls "the personality ethic", that he sees as prevalent in many modern self-help books. He promotes what he labels "the character ethic": aligning one's values with so-called universal and timeless principles. In doing this, Covey is deliberately and mindfully separating principles and values. He sees principles as external natural laws, while values remain internal and subjective. Our values govern our behavior, while principles ultimately determine the consequences. Covey presents his teachings in a series of habits, manifesting as a progression from dependence through independence on to interdependence. Wikipedia
Originally publishedAugust 15, 1989
Page count381
Original languageEnglish
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Trap Tales: Outsmarting the 7 Hidden Obstacles to Success by David M.r. Covey and Stephan M. Mardyks

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Trap Tales: Outsmarting the 7 Hidden Obstacles to Success
Book by David M.r. Covey and Stephan M. Mardyks

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John Wiley & Sons, 2017 - Business & Economics - 224 pages

Outsmart the traps that are holding you back from success!

Trap Tales is your guide to avoiding the seven obstacles that ensnare people every day. We all fall into traps, and we often don’t even realize it until we’re deeply entrenched. Like quicksand, traps are easy to step into, but difficult to escape—it seems that the harder we try to climb out, the deeper we sink. But what if there were another way? What if we knew the right strategies to escape the traps we have fallen into? What if we could spot traps from a distance, and avoid them entirely?

In this book, authors David M. R. Covey and Stephan M. Mardyks train you in the art of Trapology. You’ll meet Alex and Victoria, who have fallen into traps you’re sure to recognize. As you read their stories, you’ll learn about the seven most common traps in life and work, and how even the smartest and seemingly most accomplished people find themselves stuck and unable to see their way out. Traps are masters of disguise, but there are telltale signs that give them away every time. If you discover that you’re trapped right now, consider this book your lifeline—the lessons contained in Trap Tales will teach you how to escape these traps and how to sidestep them in the future.

This book, unlike most books, offers counter-intuitive strategies and unconventional wisdom to:

• Learn the seven biggest traps in life and work that catch people unaware

• Identify the traps that are holding you back right now

• Discover your escape route and climb out of the quicksand

• Become a “Trapologist” and avoid traps altogether

The core message of Trap Tales is hope—the belief that anybody can change the trajectory of their life, at any stage of their life. Stop letting traps steal your time, money, energy, and happiness—Trap Tales provides survival training of a different sort, allowing you to write your own tale of success. Google Books
Originally publishedApril 11, 2017
GenreSelf-help book

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File type: epub
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Getting Things Done by David Allen

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Getting Things Done
Book by David Allen

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In today's world, yesterday's methods just don't work. In Getting Things Done, veteran coach and management consultant David Allen shares the breakthrough methods for stress-free performance that he has introduced to tens of thousands of people across the country. Allen's premise is simple: our productivity is directly proportional to our ability to relax. Only when our minds are clear and our thoughts are organized can we achieve effective productivity and unleash our creative potential. In Getting Things Done Allen shows how to: 

* Apply the "do it, delegate it, defer it, drop it" rule to get your in-box to empty
* Reassess goals and stay focused in changing situations
* Plan projects as well as get them unstuck
* Overcome feelings of confusion, anxiety, and being overwhelmed
* Feel fine about what you're not doing 

From core principles to proven tricks, Getting Things Done can transform the way you work, showing you how to pick up the pace without wearing yourself down.
Page count267
GenresNon-fiction, Self-help book

File size: 2 MB 
File type: epub
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Google Corporation

The Happiness Equation: Want Nothing + Do Anything = Have Everything

Image result for The Happiness Equation: Want Nothing + Do Anything = Have Everything

The Happiness Equation: Want Nothing + Do Anything = Have Everything
Book by Neil Pasricha

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What’s the formula for a happy life?  

Neil Pasricha is a Harvard MBA, a Walmart executive, a New York Times–bestselling author, and a husband and dad. After selling more than a million copies of his Book of Awesome series, he now shifts his focus from observation to application.

In The Happiness Equation, Pasricha illustrates how to want nothing, do anything, and have everything. If that sounds like a contradiction, you simply haven’t unlocked the 9 Secrets to Happiness.

Each secret takes a common ideal, flips it on its head, and casts it in a completely new light. Pasricha then goes a step further by providing step-by-step guidelines and hand-drawn scribbles that illustrate exactly how to apply each secret to live a happier life today.

Controversial? Maybe. Counterintuitive? Definitely.

The Happiness Equation will teach you such principles as:
· Why success doesn’t lead to happiness 
· How to make more money than a Harvard MBA 
· Why multitasking is a myth 
· How eliminating options leads to more choice

The Happiness Equation is a book that will change how you think about everything—your time, your career, your relationships, your family, and, ultimately, of course, your happiness. 
GenreSelf-help book
File size: 3 MB 
File type: epub
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Google Corporation

The Book of Awesome by Neil Pasricha

The Book of Awesome
Book by Neil Pasricha

#1 International bestseller for 142 weeks!

New York Times bestseller!

#1 Non-Fiction Book of the Year of 2010 and 2011 on three lists!

#2 and #3 Non-Fiction Book of the Year of 2012 on two lists!

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Based on the award-winning 10-million-plus-hit blog 1000awesomethings.com, The Book of Awesome is an international bestselling high five for humanity and a big celebration of life's little moments. ... Google Books

Originally publishedApril 15, 2010
GenresHumour, Self-help book

About the author (2010)

Neil Pasricha is the New York Times bestselling author of The Happiness Equation and the Book of Awesome series, which has been published in ten countries, spent more than five years on bestsellers lists, and sold more than a million copies. Pasricha is a Harvard MBA, one of the most popular TED speakers of all time, and founder of the Institute for Global Happiness. He has dedicated the past fifteen years of his life to developing leaders—creating global programs inside the world’s largest companies and speaking to hundreds of thousands of people around the world. He lives in Toronto with his wife and son.

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File type: epub

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